When will the war of nature against man begin?

Time is a measure created by man for his convenience. According to that standard, time is counted as day, week, month and year. The existence of the world today is determined according to this standard.

According to cosmic law, there is no such thing as time. Everything is happening all the time. The sun’s rising and setting are occurring continuously, and everything in our galaxy is happening along with that action.

The world is still unconvinced to understand that Earth is the only planet with life in our galaxy, so they are constantly researching the belief that life exists on other planets.

Super dimensional man is out of control

Only the world powers who do this research know its purpose. There is no value in this for ordinary people and other animal species.

All other animals except humans have food, water, air, and the environment, but only for reproduction. That is the need of nature. Animals have no understanding of time, and it is unnecessary. Animals do not need special knowledge to live according to nature. Similarly, nature has provided the necessary knowledge for the existence of trees, vines, flowers and leaves.

But they don’t know how much harm is done to the universe by the opportunistic creature called man in his attempt to take possession of the entire galaxy.

Or they don’t consider the risk involved

It must be said that man is an opportunistic creature because he thinks this world does not belong to any creature other than them.

Therefore, they destroy the world as they want. By eliminating it, they try their best to find another planet to escape to.

Will the man who subjugates the world, which was given to him and other creatures to live on the same level by nature, finally succeed in trying to escape after taking his habitat to destruction?

It is ridiculous even to think it would be possible to do so in the current situation. It is impossible, even according to the time standards that they have created.

But this strange creature, who claims to be human, cannot understand his species properly and has lost himself amongst the standards he created.

Time is a scientific as well as a mathematical concept, and it is only a help for the decisions needed to carry forward man’s daily life. They are primarily lost in trying to solve everything in the world through this mathematical concept.

Man is part of nature

Even if man calculates everything in the universe according to time, it has no value for nature. All nature does is control the space available to all things belonging to it to exist freely.

There are various plans in nature. Decorated with long-term plans as well as short-term plans, no one can ever invade this. Nature’s primary task is to manipulate all living and non-living things artistically.

But man thinks that all these things are controlled by the culture of time he created.

  Nature is like a tangled ball of yarn. Only nature knows how many activities are happening in that tangled ball of yarn.

Humans are a tiny part of this tangled ball of yarn, and they are destroying the rhythm of nature because of an extra ball of yarn that they have tangled themselves.

Disobedience to the rhythm of nature

The rhythm of nature is something that man cannot understand. But they make sure to define nature as they want. Also, no effort is taken to untangle this tangled ball of thread called nature.

By trying to solve this complex situation by inventing various metrics and concepts, they make the world even more chaotic.

Imagine for a moment how other creatures look at this ridiculous human behaviour.

Like other animals, humans do not have a specific skin. The tiger has an inherent skin that needs to be identified. Only man knows that man uses the name tiger. Other animals recognize the tiger by its unique skin shape, behaviour, and body nature.

This is common to all animals living in the forest.

But these animals are confused when identifying humans. This is because human skin has different colours and shapes.

One man’s skin is red, and another’s is blue. Another man’s upper body is yellow, and the lower part is black. Similarly, some men have facial hair, and some do not. Some have mixed-coloured skins.

Of course, inside this artificial skin with different colours is the actual skin inherited by the human race. Man has hidden the necessary factors to confirm that he is another animal that other animals can easily identify.

So, how do other animals recognise humans?

Look at this from a different angle than modern science. Look at it from the angle of nature.

See how all the animals are accessible in a nursery in a forest. In one place, there are wild elephants. In another area, there is a herd of deer. Beyond it are groups of different types of animals. They do not live in fear of each other. But what would happen if a herd of humans moved in amongst these animals? The herd of deer will flee, and other animals will avoid the human herd.

All the animals living in nature recognise man as a wonderful group of animals

But if a group of people live naked in the forest with other animals, then those animals will quickly identify the human as another animal.

However, man has run away from this nature. They are no longer a part of nature. They are part of the creatures who have decided to live in an artificial world made by abandoning their environment.

To what extent will naturalism approve of those who are expanding the artificial world more and more, trying to own the universe in which they have the right to live as their own property?

How long will the patience of nature be? Will nature use its power against the intelligence of the human being trying to lead the world to destruction? Will nature begin to fight against the monstrous creature that is part of itself?

No matter how intelligent and how many destructive tools man creates, he will never be able to defeat nature. Ultimately, he will only join history as another group of animals tormented in the artificial world he created. Billions of years later, excavations by a new organism will reveal the bones of this tormented creature on all four sides of the world.

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