What could a deserted city of the future look like?

Western Europe is widely regarded as one of the most advanced regions in the world. Its highly developed countries are quick to adopt and integrate new technology and knowledge, which gives them a competitive edge in the global economy. In addition to America, Japan, China, and South Korea, these countries can quickly assimilate and use new technology to their advantage.

Regarding the economy, Western Europe is a major player with great potential to influence global markets. Its advanced infrastructure, highly skilled workforce, and innovative industries make it a hub for research and development and a prime location for multinational companies to establish operations.

As modern technology continues to evolve rapidly, we can expect the Western world to become increasingly digital. This shift is already underway, with more and more businesses and services moving online. In the near future, all work will likely be done online, and communication and transactions between governments and citizens will be conducted through digital channels.

This will require governments to invest heavily in digital infrastructure and cybersecurity to ensure that sensitive information remains secure and protected. Overall, the future of the Western world looks bright, with continued advancements in technology and innovation driving growth and progress.


In terms of politics, a significant transformation is underway. How meetings are conducted in the Parliament Building is expected to change significantly. Instead of gathering in person, Members of Parliament and Cabinet will now meet online through internet technology. This means that all public representatives can participate in discussions from the safety and convenience of their homes without needing physical presence.

With the decision-making process of the country being conducted entirely online, there will no longer be a need for a physical Parliament building. It can be repurposed for other uses, such as a cultural or historic venue, or be sold off for redevelopment. This would free up valuable space in the city and generate revenue for the government.

Furthermore, other government agencies, such as councils, may also adopt online meetings, eliminating the need for physical office spaces. Such buildings can be converted into residential properties, providing much-needed housing in the city and contributing to the overall urban development.

Overall, these changes are expected to transform how the government operates, moving towards a more digital and efficient way of decision-making.

Banking service

The banking industry has been experiencing a gradual shift towards digitization in recent years. Nowadays, most banking services are available online, enabling customers to handle their transactions from the comfort of their homes. However, some individuals, particularly retirees and people who are not comfortable using the Internet, rely on physical bank branches in the city to perform their banking tasks.

Despite this, it’s worth noting that this demographic is slowly fading away. In the next 20 years, there will likely be fewer and fewer people who prefer to visit physical bank branches. As a result, there may not be a need for large bank branches in the city. Instead, smaller connecting windows could become the norm.

While this shift towards digital banking will bring some convenience to customers, it may also have some negative consequences. For example, many bank employees may lose their jobs due to the decreased demand for physical bank branches. This is an issue of concern that the banking industry will need to address in the coming years.

Fashion market

In the next two decades, it is possible that big malls in cities might have to be closed down. With the advent of online shopping, many people prefer to buy things from the comfort of their homes, leading to a decline in foot traffic at malls. As a result, it may not be financially viable to maintain these monumental buildings in the future. 

In future cities, only essential stores such as supermarkets, small shops, and pharmacies that sell food items may be present. This trend has already begun in many cities, where businesses and companies that were overcrowded 20 years ago have shut down, and the vast buildings are now in disrepair. The only option for these buildings is to be converted into residential properties.

Providing housing is a basic human need and a fundamental responsibility of the government. However, the housing market has become a profit-driven industry in many places, making it difficult for low-income families to afford homes. This has led to a rise in homelessness, as many people are unable to find affordable housing that meets their needs.

Therefore, it is imperative that the government takes steps to build more houses and control the housing market to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing. Converting abandoned large buildings in cities into dwellings could be a viable solution to this problem. Suppose the government takes the initiative to convert these buildings into residential properties. In that case, people can buy a house at a reasonable price, and the government can provide a solution to the growing housing crisis. But the collapse of the housing market will create a new economic crisis. It is a situation that must happen. The housing market is not another business in the future world. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all developed countries to prepare for the upcoming situation.

The fate of cinemas

In recent years, there has been a noticeable decrease in the number of people going to cinemas and watching movies. This trend has led to the closure of a significant number of cinema halls. The situation is not expected to improve anytime soon, as it seems that the Imax cinema technology, which was once very popular, will soon become obsolete. This will lead to the closure of more huge cinema halls that were once the go-to destination for movie lovers.

Given the high costs of maintaining other cinemas, many have also shut down. People are now more interested in watching movies made with advanced technology. They only go to theatres to experience the latest in cinema technology, which often features breathtaking visuals and immersive sound.

Television has now taken over the role of cinema in telling ordinary stories. People will likely not spend money to watch a simple family story at a cinema in the future. With the rapid advancements in television technology, it is expected that it will soon overtake movie theatres. This means that people will have access to superior technology in the comfort of their own homes.

All these developments raise questions about how our future cities will be shaped. With the closure of cinema halls and the rise of superior technology in households, people who have been window shopping until now will have to look for other ways to spend their time. It is possible that many people may choose to stay indoors for the most part, which could have a significant impact on the way future cities are designed and planned.

Internet and television communication

With the advent of 5G technology, fixed telephones are becoming obsolete. As a result, the old telephone lines and poles, once installed on the sides of roads, are being removed. This is because 5G technology offers faster data transfer rates and more reliable connectivity, making it a better option for communication than traditional fixed telephone lines.

The removal of telephone lines and poles not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of cities but also makes them more convenient for residents. The absence of these structures means there will be fewer obstacles on sidewalks, which will make it easier for people to walk around. It will also make it easier for vehicles to navigate the streets, reducing traffic congestion.

Moreover, the television network is now being controlled through the Internet, meaning satellite antennas are no longer required in homes. This is because the Internet provides a more efficient and cost-effective way of delivering television content. As a result, many satellites in space will have to be decommissioned, which will help reduce the amount of space debris orbiting the Earth.

Overall, the adoption of 5G technology and the move towards Internet-controlled television networks are positive developments that will improve people’s quality of life and help preserve the environment.

Use of electric vehicles

In the next 25 years, most European countries will transform the transportation sector significantly by transitioning to electric vehicles, which will replace conventional vehicles powered by petrol or diesel. The shift to electric vehicles will have several implications for both consumers and the infrastructure.

One of the most significant changes will be the elimination of petrol stations. Instead, electric vehicle charging stations will be the primary energy source for electric cars. This change will lead to a significant reduction in air pollution, which is a major issue in many urban areas. Additionally, auto repair shops will become less necessary since electric vehicles have fewer technical faults.

All electric vehicles coming to the market will be equipped with superior technology, making them easier to use for everyone. For example, many electric cars are expected to feature automatic start functions, which will make driving easier and more accessible for people who have difficulty starting conventional vehicles. Obtaining a driving licence may also become more accessible due to potential revisions in the licencing system. Sometimes, a driver’s license may not even be necessary to operate certain vehicles. Additionally, traditional cycling may be avoided altogether.

However, one of the most significant challenges with the transition to electric vehicles is that many people currently own very cheap petrol or diesel vehicles, which will be difficult to replace with an electric vehicle at a low price. For example, in England, the government plans to only allow electric vehicles on the roads by 2035. Even with this, the current price of electric vehicles may make it challenging for the average person to purchase one, mainly if they are used to buying cheaper conventional cars.

Despite this challenge, public transportation will continue to provide a convenient and affordable alternative to personal vehicles. In fact, the transition to electric vehicles is expected to lead to more investment in public transportation, which will make it even more accessible to people who choose not to own their cars.

How will the education be?

In the future, we may see significant changes in the education field that drastically alter how we learn. With the advent of new technologies, traditional handwriting methods with pen and paper may become obsolete, and all school activities could be done on computers. This change could revolutionise how we teach and learn and significantly impact the future of education.

The traditional subjects that are currently taught in schools may not be relevant in the future, so new curriculums will have to be created. The focus could shift towards more technical skills such as coding, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. This could lead to a more technology-driven education system that prepares students for future jobs.

Furthermore, students may not need books, pens, or pencils any more and instead only require a laptop, iPad, or tablet. This could lead to a more efficient and eco-friendly education system, with less paper waste and a more streamlined learning process. Even smartphones may be used for educational purposes as technology advances, making it easier for students to access learning materials and communicate with teachers.

The value of art and music may decrease as technology becomes more advanced. With the help of artificial intelligence and software, artistic creations can be made through computer technology. This could result in a decline in the importance of these subjects in schools and a shift towards more technical skills. However, it is essential to note that technology cannot replicate the unique creativity and emotional expression that comes from human artistry, and there will always be a place for these subjects in our society.

In conclusion, the future of education will likely see significant changes driven by the rapid advancement of technology. It is essential to adapt and prepare for these changes while also recognising the value of traditional skills and subjects that are crucial for a well-rounded education.

What happens to the police?

The following is a revised version of the text that provides more details:

The presence of police officers is crucial in maintaining order and safety in any city. When police officers patrol the city, the crime rate tends to decrease. Unfortunately, the number of police officers in the town has already reduced, leading to public safety concerns.

To address this issue, some have suggested that drones could be used instead of police officers for surveillance. Drones can easily observe the city from above and provide real-time information to the authorities. This would eliminate the need to employ more officers, which could save the city money.

With the help of CCTV and drones, public safety could be facilitated more efficiently. CCTV cameras can be installed in strategic locations throughout the city to monitor activities and detect suspicious behaviour. Drones can also patrol the city and respond quickly to emergencies, providing valuable assistance to law enforcement officials.

As the market network in the city continues to shrink, the number of people loitering around in public places is likely to decrease. This could reduce the crime rate, as there would be fewer opportunities for criminals to carry out their activities.

Despite this, certain places, such as nightclubs, pubs, and restaurants, will always be an essential part of the city. No matter how advanced technology becomes, people will always need these places to socialise and interact with others. Public places like stadiums will also continue to attract large crowds, and it will be essential to have a strong police presence to ensure the safety of everyone attending.


As technology continues to advance, cities of the future are likely to become more advanced, efficient, and sustainable. These cities may be designed using various emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things. However, while cities may become more advanced, they will still inevitably be residential areas, with people living and working in them.

As cities develop, there may be both advantages and disadvantages that come with progress. Technological advancements could lead to more efficient and sustainable cities with better transportation, communication, and energy systems. On the other hand, there may be social and environmental costs associated with rapid urbanisation, such as increased pollution, overcrowding, and social inequality.

Despite these potential challenges, we are currently on an irreversible journey towards progress, and there is no turning back. We have come a long way since the first cities were built thousands of years ago, and we have made significant strides in improving our quality of life. As we continue to progress rapidly, we are still determining where this journey will ultimately take us. Still, we must keep moving forward and embrace the opportunities and challenges that come with progress.

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