The latest leap in Moon exploration is the plan to build houses on the Moon in 2040

The beginning that Neil Armstrong gave to the world by setting foot on the Moon is now leading to a new event. When Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for humankind.”
It has been 54 years since he set foot on the Moon on Monday, July 21, 1969, at eight twenty-six in the morning. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin managed to take human history to an era of lunar travel. Apollo 11’s lift-off from the 39th platform at Kennedy Point was a golden historical moment.
There were 20 Apollo missions between 1960 and 1972, operating amid various obstacles. In January 1967, three astronauts participating in a training session died when their control module suddenly caught fire and was trapped inside. Three months later, Russian astronaut Vladimir M. Komarov was killed when his parachute’s cords tangled on his way back. Attention should also be paid to such situations during the journey. However, 12 people, including Neil Armstrong, have set foot on the Moon.
At present, the moon landing has become a competition between the world’s powers. The situation has warmed up after India successfully sent a probe to the Moon. The scientists of the Indian Space Research Unit, the “Chandrayaan 3” mission with a rocket developed by their own technology, can be called one of the most successful missions in recent times After Russia, America and China, India became the fourth country to land a robot on the Moon. India guided the Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft to a selected location at the Moon’s South Pole, an area dubbed the Moon’s “dark region”. Also, no one had sent a robot to the South Pole of the Moon before.
One of the remarkable things that can be seen in this is that other countries have taken over the dominance of lunar exploration between America and Russia. Japan is also expanding its program for lunar exploration. More countries will join in the future.
Meanwhile, America is preparing to turn to a new event by 2040. This is the latest information in the discussion regarding Moon exploration. America plans to embark on a massive project to build homes on the Moon by 2040. NASA has also presented a model of building houses on The Moon. NASA plans to use the minerals and rocks on the upper surface of the earth to make the construction. It is also seen in the NASA announcements that plans are being prepared using 3D technology. A particular machine with relevant 3D technology will be sent to the orbit of the Moon in the year 2024 and get relevant maps. The ARTEMIS plane is being prepared for that, and NASA scientists are also looking into the possibility of building houses that can withstand dust and other conditions. It is a program that is being created with the contribution of many parties, including universities and private institutions.

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