The lander is disabled – the mission to Japan is stopped midway

On September 7, 2023, scientists launched the Moon Sniper lunar mission from the Tanegashima space station in Japan. The mission was launched with the help of a Japanese H-IIA rocket. The spacecraft was designed to land on the Moon’s surface to collect data and images of the lunar surface. 

After a successful launch, the Moon Sniper plane successfully landed on the Moon on September 19, making Japan the fifth country to achieve this incredible feat. The spacecraft was expected to operate for a certain period, but unfortunately, its operation was stopped shortly after landing due to a malfunction.

Despite the setback, this mission was a significant achievement for Japan’s space program and its scientists, who had worked tirelessly to make it successful. The success of the Moon Sniper lunar mission is a testament to the incredible advancements in technology that have enabled humans to explore and study the universe beyond Earth.

The lander is turned off by lack of sunlight

The Japan Space Agency has reported that the observation of the aircraft they sent is uncertain due to the lack of sunlight required for the lander’s operation. As a result, the lander is currently not operational. However, the agency is monitoring the spacecraft and assuming it will become operational soon after sunlight hits the panel. They have also stated that there is a chance of reactivation in case sunlight falls on the panel.

The relevant aircraft has already provided valuable data for further studies. The Japan Space Agency is confident that sunlight will eventually hit the panel and the lander will become operational. They believe that the lander’s solar cells are facing west, so sunlight is not falling on them. However, they hope this situation will change and the solar cells will receive sunlight from the west.

The speciality of the ‘Moon Sniper’ operation

The Japanese Space Agency has launched a mission to uncover the secrets of the Moon with a unique lander called ‘Smart Lander for Investigating Moon’ (SLIM), also known as ‘Moon Sniper’. One of the special features of this mission is the ability to direct the lander to a specific area as narrow as 100 square meters, which is a significant improvement over previous lunar operations that targeted plots of several square kilometres.

SLIM’s target destination is a small crater called Shioli, located in the ‘Sea of Nectar’ on the Moon’s surface, south of where the historic first moonwalk took place in 1969. The mission is expected to provide valuable insights into the Moon’s composition and history.

The landing of the SLIM lander was done using a new method and is considered a significant achievement. The Japanese scientists have nicknamed the mission ‘Moon Sniper’ due to the unique abilities of the lander. They believe that SLIM will be able to discover many things on the Moon and help unlock its secrets.

Along with the lander, a reference telescope points

The H-2A rocket launched a space satellite and the Moon Sniper Smart Lander. The satellite is designed as a space telescope and has the latest technology. It aims to explore the universe’s secrets with a ‘new eye’. The telescope will orbit the Earth and study the places in the universe with unusual temperatures and gravity, gathering important information.

The Japanese Space Agency, also known as ‘Jaxa’, developed this telescope with NASA’s help. Scientists from the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency also supported the mission.

Previously, the Japanese private company Ispace sent the Hakuto-R lunar lander to the Moon, but the mission failed. In April 2023, the spacecraft crashed on the Moon. However, India successfully implemented the Chandrayaan 3 mission on August 23 last year, surpassing Japan’s record. The Indian Space Research Organization carried out the mission.

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