Sweden is on the brink of war – army chiefs warn country unsettled

Sweden is recognised as the most peaceful and free country in the world. However, there is a frightening atmosphere in the country. This situation was created after the country’s security authorities warned about the danger of a war situation. The people of that country are currently hesitant due to their genuine fear and aversion to war.

Sweden, which has been a peaceful state for more than two decades, has warned the people to prepare for war as it is a matter that has been strongly discussed in the country’s society. With this warning announcement, the Swedes have suffered a mental breakdown, which has also led to the disruption of public life and daily activities.

NATO membership

This warning was made when Sweden was about to become a member of NATO. The country’s Minister of Civil Defense, Carl Oskar Bolling, and Chief of Army Staff, General Michael Biden, have informed that a war may break out in Sweden in the future. In this regard, they have emphasised that the Swedes should pay adequate attention and be mentally equipped to face such a situation.

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis and Sweden

The leading cause of this risk can be identified as the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has requested Sweden’s support in many matters, including arms production, and in this situation, Sweden has also been named a country that supports Ukraine. Meanwhile, Alexey Pushkov, a Russian upper house of parliament member, made a note on social media and emphasised that “some Swedish military officers are observed dreaming of war”. According to that, Sweden is highly likely to become a challenge to Russia in its political and global activity. It is possible that the military chiefs may have issued such a warning after being concerned about this situation.

Sweden has already increased its defence spending and trained security personnel. It is the position of the army chiefs that they should be ready for any situation. “

Sweden also believes that although Ukraine has a special place in Putin’s vision of Russia, he is acting with ambitions to regain the Baltic states. The statements they have made reveal that there is a greater chance of Sweden becoming a Russian target.

In their warning, the Swedish military chiefs paid particular attention to the damage caused to Ukraine and presented photos showing the destruction. They are also of the opinion that Russia’s war against Ukraine is not an operation against Ukraine alone.

Meanwhile, Sweden has also signed an agreement that allows the US military to operate from Sweden. The Swedish government notes that this action was taken as a security measure.

An objection to the statement of the army chiefs

However, severe criticism is also being made regarding the warning issued by the Swedish military leaders. The country’s children’s rights organisation ‘Bris’ has stated that this has caused the youth and children to become mentally damaged. Many children are suffering from ‘anxiety’ in the face of this warning and the damage caused by the prompt notification by Swedish security chiefs to a generation of children who are traumatised by events such as the Covid-19 epidemic, the war in Ukraine and the invasion of the Gaza Strip, is very serious. These organisations have indicated. The children were already scared.

This should be looked into

In the meantime, some have pointed out that an enquiry should be made regarding the truth or falsity of this warning. Former Prime Minister Magdalena Andersen has emphasized that any risk of such a war is grave. However, she has also said that the notification will only be approved in such a way that the people are energised.

However, it is clear from the study of all the information that a certain conversation has been created in Sweden regarding the manner in which the war warning has been made and the wording used for it. As the former Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andeson has pointed out, even though the country’s security situation is severe, it cannot be called a preparation for war.

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