Iran attack on Israel is a subtle signal to the world

The rift between Iran and Israel is escalating, drawing the attention of world powers, including America. Experts predict that a severe conflict between the two countries would impact the Middle East and have global ramifications. It is the responsibility of the international community to prevent such a situation.

The fear of war in the Middle East

A severe fear of war broke out in the Middle East region when Iran took steps to launch a series of massive attacks on Israel for the first time. These series of attacks took place on the 13th and 14th.

Iran launched many drone and missile attacks on Israel, stating that this series of attacks was carried out as revenge for the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria that took place on April 1st.

Thirteen people, including an Iranian army chief, were killed in the attack. American intelligence agencies had warned of a severe attack on Israel shortly, taking into account the recent events.

 American warning

Iran launched a fierce attack on Israel, which was in line with the warning made by the United States. However, Israel had already taken precautions by closing schools and cancelling public gatherings.

During the attack, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps seized an Israeli ship in the Strait of Hormuz. This was the first direct attack on Israel by Iran, and it sent a powerful message to the world.

The operation was named “Operation True Promise” and aimed to launch over 300 Iranian missiles and drones at Israeli targets. However, Israel’s air defence system, including the Iron Dome, successfully countered the attacks in many cities, including Jerusalem.

Israel announced that it would do everything to protect Israeli civilians. Some of the attacks on Israel were launched from Iraq and Yemen, prompting the temporary closure of air routes by Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. However, these countries worked to reopen air routes a few hours later.

Reports show that only a few attacks were successful, and Israel has announced that several locations, including an Israeli military base, were damaged. The United States and the British Royal Air Force also joined forces to prevent 99% of Iranian air strikes.

Iran’s subtle signal to the world

Reportedly, the wreckage of Iranian drones that were destroyed has crashed in Jordan. This is the first time Iran has directly targeted Israel from its territory, despite a cold war between the two countries for decades.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed to have successfully blocked Iran’s attacks, international commentators warn that such action cannot be taken lightly.

Tom Fletcher, a foreign policy adviser to several British Prime Ministers, has suggested that Iran’s series of attacks is a subtle signal to the world and will strongly indicate Iran’s capabilities and approach. 

Fletcher has also noted the need for a more comprehensive examination of the behaviour of leaders in Iran and Israel but emphasises that Iran’s unprecedented attack is a more pressing matter.

The attack was well-timed and premeditated, making it possible to avoid related attacks. Fletcher also believes that if the attacks had been carried out without such a method, Israel would have suffered severe damage.

Iran’s prospect

There are different opinions regarding what Iran expected to achieve with their recent attack. Some international commentators think that Iran only aimed to show their military capabilities.

Another possibility is that the attack was a direct response to Israeli actions without involving Hezbollah. Either way, Iran considers the attack a success. Iran may also see the attack as a way to intimidate Israel.

This is the first time Iran has directly violated Israel’s sovereignty, and experts say that the attack was likely planned in advance and did not intend to cause severe damage or harm anyone.

Statement by Iran’s armed chief

The head of the Iranian armed forces, General Mohammad Bagheri, claimed that the recent military operation was a success and has now ended. However, he also warned that if Israel were to take any hostile action against Iran, they would respond with equal force, and sometimes, the response could be severe.

The intervention of world leaders

Leaders from around the world are intervening to control the dangerous situation between Israel and Iran, which has caused fear of war in the Middle East.

Indian Foreign Minister S. Jayashankar has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts, engaging in a long phone conversation with the Israeli Foreign Minister and requesting that Israel not contribute to the escalating conflict.

Jayashankar has also spoken with the Iranian Foreign Minister, emphasising the importance of resolving problems through negotiations rather than violence. The release of 17 Indian crew members aboard the Israeli ships that had been taken over by Iran was also a focus of discussion.

Meanwhile, America has issued a special announcement, clarifying that it will not support Israel for any attack against Iran.

This statement comes in response to Israel’s previous announcement that it would respond to Iran’s attacks under the name of “Operation True Promise.” The US government has emphasised that supporting such an attack would only lead to an uncontrollable war situation in the region.

The concept of anti-Israeli Iran

Iran has made opposition to Israel a central part of its ideology. Historically, it is clear that Iran’s opinion of Israel changed after being friends until the Islamic revolution was introduced by its regime in 1979.

It can be recognised here that Iran was against the existence of Israel and that an opinion was created in Iran that the concept of the state of Israel should be eradicated.

According to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Israel is a cancer. He thinks that this cancer must be destroyed for the good of the world.

In the current context, Iran is involved in various activities that include supporting proxy forces that have vowed to destroy Israel, funding groups like Palestinian Hamas and Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah, and developing its own armed forces.

Iran can also be seen as a powerful state that challenges American and Israeli interests in the region.

Syria is Iran’s ally, and Iran, along with Russia, aided President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government in surviving a decade-long civil war. Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the most potent of the Iranian-backed armed groups, is in a stand-off against Israel.

Iran also supports Houthi militias, which control the most populated areas of Yemen. Houthi fighters launch missiles and drone attacks on Israel in support of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Houthi rebels also attack commercial shipping in the waters off Israel’s coast.

Currently, a situation has been created where conflicts are raging between Iran and its proxy armed groups and Israel’s allies in the Middle East.

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