Ice melts in the Himalayas – a life threat to people

At the COP 28 conference, the facts of a robust environmental disaster are revealed.

The Himalayan mountain ecosystem is transforming into a state that seriously impacts humanity. This unique ecosystem has become so severe as a result of human activities. It is a joke of fate. Nature religion is a privilege common to all life, including humans. However, humans try to manipulate nature by pushing millions of living organisms aside. In this situation, there is harm to the human community and all living beings.

At the United Nations World Climate Change Conference held in the United Arab Emirates, information about the severe situation in the Himalayas was revealed. At the conference, Bhutan’s representative emphasised that climate change has caused irreversible damage. At the United Nations World Climate Change Conference, Bhutan’s representative warned that the human community has been brought to extreme risk by the effects of climate change. There is sufficient scientific evidence of the dangerous conditions that may arise in the face of these conditions.

The lives of the people and the animal community in the mountains are at risk

Bhutan can be described as a mountainous state bordering the Himalayas. Karma Tshering, the head of the Bhutan Technical Committee, who has joined the COP 28 conference held in the United Arab Emirates, emphasised the climate change that has occurred in the Himalayas and its possible effects. He has indicated that the time has come to make particular decisions regarding the people living in the hills and their economy.

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has specifically pointed out the climate crisis that the Himalayas are facing and the severe impact it will have on the people, other animal groups and future survival will have to be referred to. He has also pointed out that the rapid melting of the Himalayan glaciers is causing a severe shock. This problem has not been paid attention to its effect on the human race. Also, the UN Secretary-General has reminded that it is the responsibility of the world leaders to make a program so that the people living in the risk zones do not suffer.

Gutierrez makes a unique statement

Last October, the Secretary General of the United Nations went to Nepal and took steps to visit the dangerous areas, including Everest. It aims to identify the emerging climate crisis and its possible effects on the communities living in the respective regions. He also recalled studying the facts about how fast ice is melting across the Himalayas.

Severe impact on Nepal and Bhutan

Are countries like Nepal and Bhutan responsible for the environmental disaster of this melting ice? This is the most serious question raised here. What is particularly revealing in this matter is that Nepal, Bhutan and other countries have not contributed to the creation of this environmental crisis. However, countries that did not create the crisis are suffering from the crisis. Sadly, they have to fall victim to an uncreated crisis. Nearly a third of the Himalayan ice has melted in over 30 years, and global activities that cause greenhouse gas emissions and pollution have caused this catastrophe.

Who created the crisis?

Accordingly, the Secretary General of the United Nations has emphasised that the countries that created this crisis should be prepared to pay compensation to the people of the affected countries, including Nepal and Bhutan. Another issue emphasised at this conference is that world leaders should decide whether or not innocent people will be allowed to drown in the water flowing from the melting ice.

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