When will the war of nature against man begin?
Forgetting ‘Bharana’ and dressing up the statue
Exploring the Rich Tapestry of London’s Chinatown
Unlivable situation by 2070 – warnings to the world
The world is stunned by Palestinian symbols, including watermelons
Impaired sperm production in men – 51% reduction in…
A mother with two wombs – two children in both wombs
Navigating the Niche: Unveiling the Power of Specialization
Reduces India’s poverty by millions – a decisive contribution to the global economy
A robot brutally murders a man.
A Threat to Human Survival – Microplastics in Human Tissues and Breast Milk
Godfather of AI regrets – sees future danger – Dr Hinton tears up
The need for sex education and the movie ”Oh My God”
Diwali: The Festival of Lights in Trafalgar square
The latest leap in Moon exploration is the plan to build houses on the Moon in 2040
Amongst the world’s crises, the most powerful is suicide: 7,03,000 suicides yearly
Where is the world with “one belt – one road”?
Virtual girlfriends are driving the youth wild and undermining society
Digital crime: Children in danger.