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When will the war of nature against man begin?

Time is a measure created by man for his convenience. According to that standard, time is counted as day, week, month and year. The...

Forgetting ‘Bharana’ and dressing up the statue

Avukana statue is an archaeologically important object. This statue depicting Gautama Buddha is a sacred object of millions of people around the world. It...

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of London’s Chinatown

Nestled in the heart of London, between Leicester Square and Shaftesbury Avenue, lies a small yet bustling enclave known as Chinatown. This vibrant neighbourhood,...

Unlivable situation by 2070 – warnings to the world

The world is heading towards a dire situation. It is an 'unlivable' situation. Studies and hypotheses scientists have warned that by 2070, the world's...

The world is stunned by Palestinian symbols, including watermelons

Just hearing the name watermelons makes everyone's tongue tingle. So watermelon is a popular food. A fruit If there is anyone who does not...

Impaired sperm production in men – 51% reduction in…

The world is at a critical juncture. It is not without opportunities to look back at the stages the knowledge-equipped world has passed so...

A mother with two wombs – two children in both wombs

Although the laws of nature generally apply to all living things, including humans, there are occasions when different situations can be seen. Society perceives...

Navigating the Niche: Unveiling the Power of Specialization

In the vast and dynamic landscape of business and content creation, the concept of a niche has become increasingly significant. A niche refers to...

Four hundred twenty-two million people in the world are victims of the ‘silent killer’. – Predictions of potential risks up to 2045

World Diabetes Day is on November 14. The World Health Organization emphasises that every state should prepare programs by better understanding the situation that...

Reduces India’s poverty by millions – a decisive contribution to the global economy

India is becoming another powerful country and has successfully implemented the program to free millions of its people from extreme poverty. Justin Wolfers, professor...

A robot brutally murders a man.

Man's journey so far is impressive. Born as a human being, the human race could take control of the world by creating an advanced...

A Threat to Human Survival – Microplastics in Human Tissues and Breast Milk

Microplastics are becoming a significant threat to the existence of life. Research has revealed that a situation has already been created that has severe...

Godfather of AI regrets – sees future danger – Dr Hinton tears up

Hinton tears up for the world is changing rapidly as technology is advancing day by day. While technology accelerates development and various transformations, on...

The need for sex education and the movie ”Oh My God”

The film ''OMG 2'' has a special place amongst the films made in the Hindi language, released in the year 2023.Directed by Amit Rai,...

Diwali: The Festival of Lights in Trafalgar square

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India and amongst Indian communities worldwide. It holds immense cultural,...

The latest leap in Moon exploration is the plan to build houses on the Moon in 2040

The beginning that Neil Armstrong gave to the world by setting foot on the Moon is now leading to a new event. When Neil...

Amongst the world’s crises, the most powerful is suicide: 7,03,000 suicides yearly

7,03,000 suicides per year.With the development, the world faces various crises. Those crises have become things that cause the world to be crushed, and...

Where is the world with “one belt – one road”?

China plans to expand the "One Belt - One Road" project further. At the same time, Chinese President Xi Jinping was able to convene...

Virtual girlfriends are driving the youth wild and undermining society

The philosophical teaching is that the world cannot be stopped from changing. It is no secret that there are good, evil, and beautiful and...

Digital crime: Children in danger.

The insecurity of online systems has led to children becoming vulnerable, abused and abused. International organisations say that this can be considered a worldwide...