Desmond Morris : Body exposing fashion and human desires

Desmond Morris is an acclaimed British zoologist, ethologist, and famous science author. He was born on January 24, 1928, in Purton, Wiltshire, England. Morris is best known for his contributions to zoology and ethology, particularly for his groundbreaking book “The Naked Ape,” published in 1967.

In “The Naked Ape,” Morris explores human behaviour from an evolutionary perspective, drawing analogies between human behaviour and other animals. The book became highly influential and controversial for its unreserved examination of human sexuality, social behaviour, and evolutionary psychology.

Morris’s work often challenges conventional views of human behaviour, emphasising biological and evolutionary explanations. He has authored many other books, including “The Human Zoo,” “Manwatching,” and “Babywatching,” which delve into various aspects of human behaviour, communication, and social dynamics.

Desmond Morris and Naked Ape

In his book titled “The Naked Ape,” Desmond Morris explains the behaviour of women who tend to dress in a way that exposes their bodies as an innate tendency to attract men. He provides various examples to illustrate this point and highlights that this is a common trait observed in all animal species. In some animal species, males use certain tricks to attract females, while in others, the opposite is accurate, and females tend to attract males. For instance, males usually display colourful feathers amongst birds to attract females, and peacocks are an excellent example of this behaviour.

In the case of human beings, females often display their physical attractiveness through their clothing choices, makeup, and other accessories to attract males. This behaviour is not limited to females; males also engage in similar behaviours to attract females. However, the extent to which men display their physical attractiveness is generally less than that of women. 

Overall, Morris’s book provides a detailed insight into the behaviour of human beings and animals and how they use their physical attractiveness to attract the opposite sex.

Women and fashion

 Desmond Morris explained well that women dress so that their bodies are exposed. There, he clearly says with examples that women show their nakedness to attract men. And he says that it is something that women have innately.

This condition is not only inherited by women. This is common to all animals living in the world. Also this is a common condition not only for women but also for men. Amongst some animals, males use certain tricks to attract females; amongst other animals, there is an opposite situation.

Amongst birds, it often happens that the male tries to attract the female. Birds such as peacocks are examples of this.

The tactic used by the female to attract the male in the human race is to display the beauty of her body.

Desmond Morris explains this beautifully in his book Naked Ape. In 1967, he said how this happens amongst apes, including humans, using each ape species as an example. Today, this situation has changed a lot. Society is very different from 1967. And very complex. Today’s situation is different from what Desmond Morris saw in 1967. With the increase in population, the mental pressure of people has increased. Therefore, there are many opportunities for them to make mistakes.

Also, this topic has become controversial

Women have the freedom to dress as they wish, and this freedom has been legally in their favour. But women dress like this to attract men, and the need for men to be attracted to a woman dressed in such a way as to display the beauty of her body has been censored by the law and morality itself.

Even if a woman dresses in such a way that a man can see the attractive parts of her body, the man is able to see them and they Looking at it like that, the society decides that it is violence against women. This results in the law and women going against the system used by nature for the survival of the human race.

Men should be attracted to women. Also, the woman should show a sure way to the man to attract her. We who live in a developed society in the modern world cannot describe this situation in words. It is not something a woman can do to walk up to a man and tell him to be attracted to her. Also, in a society where there is a large population of people who do not know each other, it is a big problem for men to choose which woman they are attracted to.This is why it is important for these women to display their attractive body parts

To attract men

Men have identified the lips, breasts, belly button and thighs as the most attractive parts of a woman’s body. Morris has explained it very clearly in his book Naked Ape. Also, those areas are the areas that are exposed more by the woman. This is further confirmed when looking at women’s clothing styles. This is why the clothes that show the navel as well as breasts and thighs are created.

The designers of clothes understand the principles of this nature well. Therefore, they create clothes according to them. But society or women do not know this.

Women do not understand the principles of this nature. They don’t need to understand that. This situation is inherently an inherited task for them. If a woman is asked why she dresses so that her body is exposed, her answers will be fashion. Otherwise, it is because of the heat of the day. With that, only a few people know that the situation is necessary to get the attraction of men that nature has given them.

If the woman knows the actual situation here, when men look at her when she fashions to show off her body, she will not see it as a wrong. But in today’s society, this situation has become very confusing. Society sees it as a big mistake if a man looks at a woman’s exposed body. It has also been determined by the law as violence against women.

In this situation, the man gets uncomfortable and stressed. He becomes very confused when the law prohibits the right given to him by nature. The man is stuck in society because he cannot see with his eyes what his mind wants.

The brain tells the eyes to look at that beautiful woman. It’s something he does automatically . Just as the woman fashions her body to show off without knowing this law of nature, so does the man look at her exposed body because of the same theory. Without it, it is not because of the man’s wildness. But society has decided that it is barbarism.

Mental stress due to the population

With the population density in the society, the dangerous situation resulting from this is the loss of security for the woman.

There are men in society who can control their emotions and those who cannot. Men who can control their feelings somehow bear this situation in the face of their mental pressure, but the part that can’t do it is where the worst actions happen. These people often do rape of women. Therefore, the sexual rape of women has increased in the world. Obviously, women’s fashioning to expose their bodies has dramatically influenced this. But society does not want to accept this. Especially the woman does not like it.

The law of nature used by fashion designers

Fashion designers benefit significantly from this theory of nature. They use women’s bodies to increase their profits.

That is why clothes are designed to fit the body, shape, and skin colour. Otherwise, the female body will not be so attractive if all the clothes are made in one colour. If so, all women will look the same to the man.

There is an opinion that men prefer semi-naked than naked. Therefore, it seems that fashioning is similar to it.

Women also use other things to attract men. Those are also things done by fashion designers utilising the law of nature.

Women wearing jewellery around the neck and navel jewellery are an attempt to increase attractiveness.

By putting a pendant on the end of the jewellery worn around the neck and keeping it falling close to the breast, the male eye is instantly directed to that area. Holding various coloured stones increases the appearance of this pendant. Especially for this, it is necessary to choose gemstones with sexy colours like red, blue, and green.

This is also what happens with Belly button jewellery. The belli button is a very small area. Putting on a shiny piece of jewellery to belly button will instantly draw men’s eyes to it.

There may be such hidden facts in jewellery placement in other body parts.

Apart from this, wearing a tattoo is similar to wearing jewellery. This is what some women hope for by getting a tattoo on their thighs. This is expected to increase the man’s attraction to his thighs. Also, certain attractions are obtained by drawing a tattoo in a particular place on the body. Creating tattoos suitable for this diverse area is also a business need of fashion designers and business people.


It’s essential to understand that the above points are not intended to make anyone uncomfortable. Both men and women face the realities of modern society, which has moved away from the laws of nature and towards a revolutionary mindset. This trend will continue in the future, leading to even more societal changes. While living in a society governed by man-made laws is necessary for the well-being of its citizens, it is also essential to recognise and comply with the laws of nature. Failure to do so can result in an artificial way of life. This means that we must strive to maintain a balance in our lives by understanding the laws of attraction in nature. To achieve this balance, we must adjust our actions to comply with man-made and natural laws. This will enable us to avoid a situation where we must pay the price for our unbalanced lifestyles. It is crucial to note that living in harmony with nature is not only beneficial to individuals but also to society as a whole. Therefore, we should strive to maintain a balance in our lives by understanding and respecting the laws of nature. The natural world has much to teach us about living in harmony with ourselves, others, and the environment. Following these principles can lead a fulfilling life in tune with our natural surroundings.

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