Foreign care workers are helpless in the United Kingdom

The UK’s immigration laws have caused significant difficulties for foreign workers, particularly those in the care industry. This issue has become even more concerning under the current government of Rishi Sunak, which has failed to take appropriate measures to address the situation.

Boris Johnson

The government under Boris Johnson relaxed immigration laws in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a shortage of workers in the care service. This relaxation allowed foreign care workers to come and work in the UK more easily. However, this move was challenging. In particular, it has been argued that the requirements for care workers were too minimal, with only a basic level of English language knowledge being necessary to work as a care assistant.

This relaxation of the immigration laws was intended to be a quick and easy solution to a pressing problem. However, it has had unintended consequences. Care workers who migrated under the Skilled Visa category face persecution and unfair treatment. The current government’s lack of appropriate measures to address these issues has only exacerbated the situation.

The care sector was helpless during the Covid epidemic

By the end of 2020, the care sector was facing severe pressure due to a shortage of workers. Boris Johnson’s decision to address this issue was not wrong.

 However, his failure to correctly estimate the essential living needs of the workers from that society and this country while making that decision was a serious weakness. 

The government only wanted to cover the employee shortage at that time. As a result, many workers from Asian and African countries took advantage of this and started queuing up to come to the United Kingdom. They were not alone, as many came with their children and families.

The government needs to fill the gap anyway

The shortage of care workers has increased to two hundred thousand, leaving the care homes and domiciliary care sector helpless due to the lack of staff.

 To compensate for the shortage of employees, the government allowed workers to come with their families and prioritised processing visas quickly.

 As a result, the country was flooded with foreign care workers, and the councils in the cities had to take responsibility for them and their families. The city of London was particularly affected by these problems, as it was filled with foreign workers who faced difficulties finding housing and schools for their children.

There is still a shortage of houses in the country

City dwellers were also grappling with housing issues during that period. London had been facing a housing shortage for a long time, and the challenge was to provide adequate housing for the newly migrated population.

 This situation gave rise to tough competition in the rental housing market, leading to an increase in rental prices. By 2020, the average rent for a two-bedroom house in London ranged between £1,200 and £1,400, with prices rising rapidly.

 However, the current rent prices have become unaffordable for foreign workers, with a two-bedroom house costing over £2000 today. This varies depending on the region, but marginal increases in house prices have been observed across London, as per the author’s findings. It is challenging to find an entire home, and even renting a single room has become quite difficult for many people.

Foreign care workers came with high expectations

Many care workers who immigrated to this country with high hopes and aspirations have found themselves living in extreme poverty. Some families consisting of two or three children are forced to live in cramped conditions, with one or two rooms being their only refuge. Unfortunately, these families have to pay exorbitant rent, with some homeowners charging as much as £1000 per month for a single room. The workers cannot afford a place of their own near their workplace, leaving them in a state of helplessness, particularly those with small children.

Minimum salary £20,900

When an organisation sponsors a foreign care worker to work in the country, they must pay a minimum salary of £20,900 annually. However, many care homes pay their workers more than this amount, but the salary doesn’t go above the £24,000 per year level. 

If an employee earns the maximum salary of £24,000 per year, their monthly income would be £2,000. But after income tax and National Insurance deductions, their take-home pay would only be a maximum of £1,600. With this amount, renting a house for £2,000 per month would be difficult.

Is the government concerned about welfare?

The government’s responsible for bringing workers from abroad to cover the shortage of workers in the country and ensure their welfare. However, Rishi Sunak’s government is failing to fulfil this responsibility. This is due to the weak immigration department and the lack of due diligence in decision-making.

In 2020, there was a shortage of care workers of about 200,000. If the government had taken steps to estimate the number of workers and their families coming from abroad, this problem could have been avoided. By bringing in workers with their families and making accurate calculations, they would not become destitute in the country. It’s a shame that this issue has become a human problem due to the government’s negligence.

Extortionate house rent

The government has yet to take action against some homeowners who are taking advantage of the current situation and charging exorbitant rents for their properties. The government should urgently initiate a program to check such practices.

In addition, families are facing difficulties in finding schools for their children, which can lead to psychological frustration. The problem is compounded by the fact that if you are still looking for a house near your workplace, finding a school in that area is also challenging. Therefore, the issue of finding suitable housing is directly related to the problem of finding schools for children.

Frustrated care workers try to leave

 There are some foreign workers who are trying to return to their home countries with a sense of disappointment. This is particularly true for those who arrived with their families.

 The government recently decided to end the facility given to foreign workers to bring their families with them. However, this decision has come too late, and many workers feel stranded. Moreover, the government has failed to cover the shortage of care workers.

 There are still around 150,000 vacancies that need to be filled by the end of 2023. 

Therefore, it is essential to look into this issue in a professional manner. Many employees may stop coming if they do not have the opportunity to visit with their families. If this happens, does the government have an additional method to meet the requirements of these employees?

Because of the short-sighted action of the government

The primary reason why this problem has become so severe is due to the short-sighted actions of the government and the Immigration and Emigration Agency. It is worth questioning whether the government’s current course of action is effective in solving this problem that has persisted from Boris Johnson’s time to Rishi Sunak’s tenure.

 Many immigrants came

 In recent years, a significant number of foreigners have migrated to the country. However, this influx of immigrants is becoming unsustainable for the country.

 The group of migrants includes university students, care workers, Ukrainian refugees, and those who arrived under the Philippine program. Amongst these groups, university students and care workers are essential for the country’s economy.

 At the same time, the Ukrainian refugee issue needs to be addressed.

The government’s immigration laws have caused many people who came to the country under those laws to suffer today. Now, the government is planning to introduce even stricter immigration laws, which will cause inconvenience to foreign workers who are currently residing in the country.

 This uncertainty about their future is causing great distress to care workers who have arrived in the UK with visas lasting three to five years. After five years, these workers are entitled to permanent residence in the country.

Make clear decisions

Many foreign workers who came to England on three-year visas must extend their visa period for another two years to obtain permanent residence. Unfortunately, the government has a track record of changing immigration rules without taking responsibility, leading to uncertainty and fear amongst these workers. If the government suddenly stops providing permanent residence to these workers, they will be left stranded without any security for their future. Therefore, the government should take more responsibility for these employees.

The government should be fair

It is not fair for a country like England to leave workers who were brought in during a time of need to suffer in the middle of changing rules and regulations. Under this law, the government should take responsibility for securing the future of the people who came to work in the care sector under three and five-year visas. The government should provide clear guidelines and support for workers seeking permanent residence and ensure their rights are protected.

It is not enough to make promises when necessary and tighten the rules when it is unnecessary. The government should be accountable for the welfare of the people who have come to serve the country and provide them with the necessary facilities. This includes access to healthcare, education, and other public services.


In summary, the government should take a more proactive approach to support foreign workers seeking permanent residency in England. They should provide clear guidelines and support to ensure workers are not stranded. The government should also provide the necessary facilities and services to ensure the welfare of these workers.

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