Stop searching for extraterrestrials and end poverty

It is a matter of debate whether investing a considerable amount of money in space exploration is worthwhile. While some argue that space exploration is crucial for advancing our scientific knowledge and discovering new worlds, others believe that the hefty cost of space exploration is unjustifiable, and the money should instead be spent on more pressing issues on Earth.

Furthermore, it is worth considering the motives behind a country’s investment in space exploration. Is it purely for scientific research and discovery, or are there other underlying motives, such as demonstrating military or economic power? Developed countries often compete with one another in terms of technological advancements, and space exploration is one such area where they strive to outdo each other. 

Once poverty is eradicated from the world, go to the universe

Another important consideration is whether the investment in space exploration is justified when there are pressing issues that need immediate attention, such as poverty, healthcare, and climate change. It is essential to strike a balance between investing in space exploration and addressing important issues on Earth.

There is a beautiful world to live in. Save it

It is intriguing to ponder over the fact that despite having a magnificent world to live in, humans are still interested in exploring and preserving the vast universe. Among the world powers, including America, Russia, China, and India, the latter has also started to make significant strides in space exploration. However, the purpose behind this exploration remains a mystery to the world.

Space exploration has always been a subject of fascination for scientists and the general public alike. While some believe it’s a quest to find another planet fit for human habitation, others speculate it’s a search for resources or understanding the existence of other celestial bodies. The possibilities are endless, and the purpose behind space exploration could be to find something that could benefit humanity in ways beyond our imagination.

Man’s greed for power is the root of everything

It’s worth noting that space exploration is not an easy task. It requires a lot of resources, time, and effort to achieve even the smallest of goals. Despite the challenges, countries are still interested in space exploration, which indicates that the potential benefits outweigh the costs. It’s also essential to remember that space exploration is not limited to finding new planets or resources, but it also helps us understand our own planet better.

Man is a complex creature that is driven by various factors, one of which is an insatiable desire for more. This desire is rooted in human genetics, and it is what drives us to seek more even when we already have enough. It is the reason why the human mind is not content when it receives something, and why we are always striving to achieve something bigger or more valuable. 

This desire to achieve more is not limited to individuals but can be seen at a larger scale, such as within families, villages, towns, and countries. These groups are in constant competition with each other to increase their wealth, power, and influence. The competition is often demonstrated through economic, military, human, and space exploration achievements. 

Economic competitiveness

Economic competition is evident in the global market, where countries strive to produce and export more than they import to increase their wealth. Military competition is evident in the arms race, where countries invest in their military to show their strength and intimidate others. Human competition is evident in the world of sports, where individuals and countries compete to be the best. Space exploration is evident in the race to discover new planets and galaxies, where countries compete to show their ability to explore the unknown.

This arrogance stems from the belief that showing strength and dominance is the key to success and survival. It is a belief that is deeply ingrained in human culture and has been passed down from generation to generation. However, it is important to note that this competition is not always healthy and can lead to conflict and destruction. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance between competition and cooperation to ensure peace and prosperity for all.

Is space travel a show of military might?

In terms of global development, countries can be categorised based on their economic and military power. The most influential amongst them are considered to be the super countries, which possess the ability to dominate in terms of economy, warfare, and space exploration.

The United States, Russia, and China are widely regarded as the most powerful countries in the world, both militarily and economically. These countries have the resources and infrastructure required to conquer the universe, with their advanced space programs and cutting-edge technology.

India also joins the competition

However, India has also made noteworthy contributions to space exploration. In 2008, India’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft successfully detected water on the moon, and in 2019, the country’s Chandrayaan-2 mission attempted to land on the lunar surface. Although the mission was not entirely successful, it demonstrated India’s growing capabilities in the field of space exploration.

In addition to these countries, several others have also made significant efforts to explore the moon. Japan’s space agency, JAXA, has successfully landed several spacecraft on the lunar surface, while the European Space Agency has launched several missions to study the moon’s geology and atmosphere. Luxembourg is also a notable player in the space industry, having established a space resources initiative to develop technologies for mining on the moon and other celestial bodies.

Countries that withdrew from the competition

Other countries that have explored the moon to some extent include Israel, Italy, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and Mexico. Each of these countries has made significant contributions to the field of space exploration, with their own unique approaches and technologies. Overall, the quest to explore the universe remains a global endeavour, with countries working together to advance our understanding of the cosmos.

The exploration of the moon has always been considered as a significant milestone in the field of science and technology. Recently, India successfully landed its Chandrayaan spacecraft on the moon, marking a significant achievement for the country. The landing of the spacecraft was celebrated across the nation as a symbol of India’s technological progress and development.

Did the poor approve?

However, some people have criticised India’s focus on space exploration, arguing that the resources invested in the space program could be better utilised to address the country’s pressing social issues. India is home to an estimated 80 million people living in poverty, and critics question whether the country’s investment in space exploration is justified when so many of its citizens are struggling to access basic necessities.

Despite these concerns, India remains committed to advancing its space program and pushing the boundaries of space exploration. The country is actively working towards developing new technologies and capabilities that could help it surpass the achievements of other leading space-faring nations.

Do you want to show your ability?

It is worth noting that other nations, aside from India, are also at the forefront of space exploration. However, the competition amongst these superpowers seems to be driven more by a desire to demonstrate their military might and technological capabilities, rather than a genuine interest in exploring the vast expanse of outer space.

It is important to ponder the significance of cosmic exploration in the context of human existence. While space missions may generate a sense of pride and accomplishment, the cost of such ventures should be weighed against their potential contributions to our world.

It is unlikely that humans will ever be able to develop the technology required to travel to the outer edges of our solar system, let alone beyond our galaxy. Our knowledge of the universe is limited to what we have learnt through science and technology. While some scientists believe that there may be extraterrestrial life, we can only gather information about the universe through telescopes and spacecraft.

Without these technologies, we would be unable to gain a true understanding of our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the universe as a whole. Therefore, the ability to observe our world from a different vantage point remains beyond our grasp.

Not all developed countries are interested in going to the moon

It is remarkable that while some of the world’s superpowers like the United States, Russia, and China are investing heavily in space exploration to uncover the secrets of the universe, many other economically developed countries seem to be less interested in space exploration. Even though several countries in Europe and the Middle East have strong economies, they do not appear to allocate funds to explore the moon, let alone the vast universe.

One possible explanation for this difference is that the Middle Eastern countries prioritise the welfare of their citizens over space exploration. This is evident from the tax-free policy that has been implemented in 14 countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, UAE, Vanuatu, Brunei, Bahrain, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Monaco, Kuwait, Qatar, Somalia, and Western Sahara.

Meanwhile, the United States, which is known for its ambitious space program, imposes a tax rate ranging from 10 to 37 percent. However, it is worth noting that 14 percent of the American population is living below the poverty line, suggesting that the tax system may not be adequately addressing societal needs.

Similarly, Russia and China, which are also investing heavily in space exploration, have a significant population living in poverty. The number of middle-class citizens in these countries is yet to be determined, but it is clear that poverty remains a significant issue.

In India, the number of people living in poverty is staggering, with over 230 million individuals struggling to make ends meet. This highlights the need for countries to prioritise their societal needs and allocate resources accordingly.

A lot of money in the trash

In light of the current situation, some people question whether the large sums of money invested by the world’s superpowers in space exploration are a waste. To give you some perspective, NASA alone is estimated to receive a whopping 24 billion US dollars in 2022, while India spent 970 crore Indian rupees on the Chandrayaan mission to the moon.

There is a concern that some superpowers may be using space exploration as a means to showcase their military might or technological advancements. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications of such endeavours. It is inherently wrong for any country to seek to expand their influence in the universe by searching for extraterrestrial life forms, when so many people on Earth struggle to meet their basic needs.

Instead, these countries should prioritise addressing poverty and other pressing issues within their own borders. While space exploration can yield valuable scientific insights, it should not come at the expense of neglecting the needs of the most vulnerable members of society.

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