Followers of heretical religious teaching continue to kill themselves – a severe social tragedy in Sri Lanka

A devastating social issue is unfolding in Sri Lanka as followers of twisted religious teachings are taking their own lives. Religion should be a vessel for good, creating stronger bonds of unity within society and guiding individuals on a moral path. But when a group uses it to spread falsehoods, the outcome is detrimental to society, and that’s precisely what’s occurring in this island nation.

Shocking revelations have brought to light a grim program that brainwashes people into believing that it will transport their souls quicker to the afterlife. It is not just life-threatening but also soul-crushing as mental health is being harmed.

The first case is from Malabe town

A recent incident in Malabe town paints a morbid picture. Here, a family swallowed poison, ending their lives. Shockingly, on their funeral day, a young man and woman followed the same fatal path – each of them had attended the family’s send-off. Investigations led to the discovery that the family’s homekeeper, known for twisting Buddhist teachings, might have instigated their suicides.

The twisted preacher commits suicide first

This homekeeper was Ruwan Prasanna Gunaratne, a 47-year-old known for his irregular rendition of Buddhism. An ex-laboratory employee, Gunaratne left his job to deliver religious sermons. He believed and propagated the idea of reaching the soul’s destination quicker by ending one’s life, which is a grave misinterpretation. Gunaratne himself consumed a deadly substance akin to cyanide, ending his life.

The preacher’s wife and three children are going the same way

Tragedy didn’t stop there; his wife and three children also ingested the same poison on the funeral day of Gunaratne, leaving no one to mourn them. A 34-year-old man who had attended the sermons of Gunaratne 4 years ago witnessed this calamity unfold. He expressed his respect for the family by attending the ceremony.

The aim is to die soon

What’s horrific is the unveiling of his conversation with the police. The guy revealed Gunaratne’s practice of giving sermons on suicide as a means to attain Nirvana. His interaction with the police took a tragic twist when this man’s life was also cut short by suicide at a lodge in Maharagama.

The chilling discovery pinned him as a relative of Gunaratne. Another young woman, a 21-year-old who attended the funeral of Gunaratne’s family, was also found dead in a similar fashion. A resident of Yakkala Rafalwatta, she chose to end her life at home.

Followers in serious danger of suicide – operations to find them

Information gleaned pointed to her bright academic achievements in physics, and she had plans to attend Ruhunu University. Deeper investigations revealed her association with Gunaratne’s troubling sermons. She also consumed a poison similar to cyanide to end her life.

Police are now reaching out to attendees of Gunaratne’s sermons, concerned about their welfare. Investigations are also looking into the potential distribution of this lethal substance amongst his followers.

Authorities are also pondering whether Gunaratne utilised his former laboratory skills to produce cyanide. Identifying all the followers of Gunaratne is turning out to be a complicated task, as trying to handle ideological matters is inevitably complex.

People should always practice discernment to prevent falling prey to such lethal distortions of religious teachings. Rejecting harmful ideologies that manipulate the essence of Buddhism is key to preventing such tragedies.

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