Sri Lanka’s rapid decline in births – serious challenges for the future

The involvement and contribution of citizens are crucial for the development of a country’s society, and a special focus is placed on the participation of the younger generation. Young people are a valuable resource for any country, and their involvement in the development of the nation can lead to significant advancements in various fields. 

However, the increasing elderly population is a serious concern for any country. This is due to various factors such as declining birth rates, increasing life expectancy, and improved healthcare services. These factors result in an aging population, which is a significant challenge for any nation.

The consequences of an aging population are far-reaching and can have a profound impact on the future of a country. There is a shortage of labor power resulting from the rise of the elderly population, which can have a significant impact on the country’s economy, social welfare, and healthcare systems. 

Many countries are facing this issue and are actively working to find solutions to address this problem. Governments are implementing policies and programs to encourage younger generations to participate in various fields, such as education, healthcare, and technology. These efforts are aimed at creating a sustainable future for the country by ensuring that the younger generation is well-equipped to handle the challenges posed by an aging population.

Japan is a country that has shown it

 Japan is a beautiful country that has a lot to offer, from its rich culture to its advanced technology. However, despite its many achievements, Japan is currently facing a significant challenge due to the rapid increase in its aging population. The country has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, which is a testament to its healthcare system and lifestyle.

However, the aging population is a cause for concern as it presents several future challenges. One out of every ten people in Japan is over 80 years old, and this number is expected to increase in the coming years. The aging population has resulted in a decline in the younger workforce, which could negatively impact the economy. Additionally, the older population requires higher levels of healthcare, social security, and pension benefits, which could put a strain on the government’s finances.

Out of a total population of 125 million, 29.1% are 65 years old or above. This is one of the highest proportions of elderly citizens in the world, and it is expected to rise to 38% by 2050. However, Japan has taken several steps to address this issue, including implementing policies to encourage immigration and provide better care for the elderly.

It is clear that the situation being reported in Sri Lanka is not very good. According to government statistics, the birth rate has decreased significantly in the last 10 years. In 2012, the number of child births which was close to 360,000 has dropped to 275,000 by 2022. These reports presented by the Census and Statistics Department can be considered as a strong factor that depicts the dangerous situation.

Decline in Sri Lanka’s birth rate and causes.

The birth rate in Sri Lanka has been declining over the years due to various reasons. One of the primary factors is the adoption of strict family planning methods by many couples. This includes the use of contraceptives and other measures to limit the number of children they have. The availability and accessibility of family planning services have contributed to the widespread use of these methods.

Another contributing factor is the trend of marrying later in life. Many young people today are choosing to delay marriage until they have completed their education and established their careers. This often leads to a postponement of childbearing, resulting in a decline in the birth rate.

Economic difficulties and emigration have also played a role in the decrease in the number of births in Sri Lanka. Many people are forced to leave the country in search of better economic opportunities, leaving fewer people to bear children.

Finally, many married couples are postponing having children until later in life. This could be due to various reasons such as financial stability, career goals, or personal aspirations. However, this trend has resulted in a decline in the birth rate, which is a cause for concern.

The decline in the birth rate is creating an imbalance between the number of deaths and the number of births. This situation is leading to social and economic inequality, which could have far-reaching consequences in the future. It is, therefore, crucial for the government to address this issue and take necessary steps to increase the birth rate.

Creating economic stability is one of the most important factors that can contribute to raising the birth rate in Sri Lanka. The government must provide better economic opportunities and incentives for young people to start families. Additionally, improving access to healthcare, education, and social services can also play a vital role in increasing the birth rate and ensuring a strong workforce in the future.

50,000 children enroll in first grade

In the 2024 budget debate, Education Minister Susil Premajayant provided detailed information on the current state of student enrollment in the country’s first grade. He stated that the number of students enrolling for the first grade has decreased by approximately 50,000, and the primary reason for this is the decline in the birth rate of the country. The current enrollment figures for the first grade stand at 292,000, which is significantly lower than the 340,000 students enrolled ten years ago.

It is worth noting that children between the ages of five and six are eligible to attend school in the country. However, the current enrollment figures show that the number of children enrolling in first grade has decreased to 292,000. This is a significant drop compared to the figures from ten years ago, indicating that there has been a considerable decline in the number of children entering schools.

Overall, Education Minister Susil Premajayant’s comments highlight the need for the government to take initiatives to address the decline in student enrollment. The declining birth rate in the country is a major concern that needs to be addressed to ensure a strong and prosperous future for the nation.

A situation where you think twice about having children

As per the report by the Government’s Family Health Services Association, there has been a slight decline in the number of births that can be observed in 2023. Additionally, the number of expectant mothers per year has also decreased to some extent. This trend can be attributed to the ongoing economic situation in Sri Lanka, which has made it challenging for many families to provide nutritious meals to their children. This issue has become a significant concern for the families, and as a result, many married couples have started to think twice or thrice before planning to have a child. The situation is not different for families who already have one child as they face similar difficulties when it comes to having another child.

The report highlights that the cost of raising a child has increased significantly, and the families are finding it increasingly challenging to meet these expenses. Additionally, the current economic climate in Sri Lanka has resulted in a high level of unemployment, making it difficult for families to secure a stable source of income. Furthermore, the rising cost of living and inflation have added to the financial burden on families, further exacerbating the situation.

The Government’s Family Health Services Association has also noted that the lack of proper nutrition can lead to several health problems for children. This situation has become a severe concern for the families, and they are hesitant to have children due to the financial burden and the risk of not being able to provide for them adequately. The report suggests that the government needs to take immediate action to address this issue and provide better support to families to ensure the well-being of children and promote a healthy birth rate.

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